Luca Agnani Studio is created by a team of professionals who animate architectures with projected lights, using 3D video mapping techniques.
The Studio, started in 2010 by Luca Agnani, at first, became famous throughout Italy, then internationally, especially since 2013, when he was selected by the Circle of Light Festival in Moscow.
He has been since then mentioned in numerous reviews, interviews, and reports in some of the most important Italian and international media. Visit the site



Luca Agnani Studio is created by a team of professionals who animate architectures with projected lights, using 3D video mapping techniques.
The Studio, started in 2010 by Luca Agnani, at first, became famous throughout Italy, then internationally, especially since 2013, when he was selected by the Circle of Light Festival in Moscow.
He has been since then mentioned in numerous reviews, interviews, and reports in some of the most important Italian and international media.< a href=””>Visita il sito<>